Monday, May 7, 2012

Mis Compas

You're tall
and you used to wear some fuckin' ugly pants
yeah I look up to you,
not like I would an older brother
not in every way.
You're almost always right in your advice to me
but couldn't hear yourself
You do what's right
like I do
but for different reasons
no less your own
than mine are
I've learned.
You're looking
I can tell
and I am too
you're my better part
a gravity to stay close to the sun
though you wish it were The Son

You're short
I laugh
you laugh
you fall down
I cough
the craziest memories
intentions a null factor
never judging
nor expecting
never more than I am
never less
ever faithful
ever supportive
with this skeptical cynical bite
to every word
keeping me safe
keeping me
you're good inside
though you feign to admit it.

You're my blood
you've been there from the start
always my backbone
always my crutch
my strength
you're the air to smog ridden
Terra firma
if more were like you
the world would be much less shitty

1 comment:

  1. somos esposos para siempre. Y mis pantalones fueron bien chidos!
